Arts in the Middle Fine Arts Festival
Saturday, June 7th & Sunday, June 8th, 2025
Hewick Plantation ~ Urbanna, VA
Young Artists
2024 Festival Emerging Artists
Lauren Ahnemann
Karime Juarez
Katelin Reiner
Callisto West
Picasso said "Every child is an artist."
Arts in the Middle is committed to encouraging the artistic spirit in all young people. We engage the local high schools to help interested art students exhibit their works at the festival & to learn from professional exhibiting artist. Interactions with the show's artists & the chance to exhibit their own art work may cause a young person to include art in their future - as a career, as an avid amateur artist, or simply as a lover of art.
For younger children, the Junior Judges program allows children about 5 -10 years old to award a blue ribbon that says "I Love Your Art" to their favorite art work or artist at the show. We hope our artists will enjoy receiving these awards, as much as their young admirers enjoy awarding them.