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Historic Hewick Plantation

Hewick Plantation is a restored site of landscape and architectural beauty ~ an exquisite 17th century jewel of a building on expansive manicured grounds and a grand drive bordered by majestic oak trees.  


In the heart of Virginia's river country, the event is a short stroll from the popular waterfront village of Urbanna, a drive up the road to the village of Deltaville where you meet up with the Chesapeake Bay, and an easy reach from Richmond, Williamsburg, the Northern Neck, Northern Virginia, and Washington DC.  Visitors can make a day of it or spend a weekend enjoying the arts and all the River Realm country has to offer. 


Artists’ tents line the shaded gravel entrance drive providing a lovely stroll under the shade of the majestic oak trees lining the path.   Music and local food will be available in the large hospitality tent during the show on both Saturday and Sunday.                                                                                                

Parking is close and convenient, golf carts running all day for visitors needing assistance.      





For more information on the region you can visit these sites:


      Traveling to Middlesex:

     Countywide restaurant, lodging, shopping and things to do around the county:


     Visiting the Town of Urbanna:


     Info on Hewick Plantation:


     Info on the region:

Follow us on Social Media for the latest news and updates: @artsinthemiddle

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