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Artist schedule for applying, being notified and the schedule for the event. 

All artist applications can be found here.

Artist General Info

The venue.  Artists love this venue, with reports such as "This is my favorite show"; "It felt like summer camp..."; and "Hewick is the perfect venue!" Hewick Plantation is indeed the perfect site for an outdoor arts festival. The beauty of the grounds with exquisitely restored and replicated buildings provide a nice backdrop for outdoor events.  Artist tents stand under majestic oak trees on either side of the grand entrance drive turned path for the event.  The drive is open to artists for easy access set-up and break-down, but closed to all vehicles but golf carts during show hours.   The grounds are expansive and allow for ample room between and behind the tents for your storage.   Free parking is available and conveniently located for our artists.  


The location.  Located within one to two hours from three major urban areas (Richmond, Tidewater, and Northern Virginia/DC) this festival will be a bucolic day in the country for arts lovers.  A stone's throw from the popular historic waterfront village of Urbanna, the area is well known for drawing crowds.  Late spring - early summer weather is very nice thanks in part to the nearby rivers and bay. This is a rain or shine event.  


On-site assistance.  Show team members and their army of volunteers provide assistance  throughout the event.   Complimentary coffee and pastries are available to artists each morning .  Water is provided several times during the day.  Food from food concessions may be purchased on-site during both days of the festival.  Roving volunteers offer "tent sitting" assistance to artists for badly needed breaks.  


Judges and Jurors.  Our jurors and judges are professional and experienced.  Cash prizes and other awards will be presented on Saturday evening. 


Artist Reception and Awards Ceremony.  Close up your tents and join us in the Hospitality Tent at days end on Saturday for food, beverages and a time to visit with fellow artists.  Following the reception we will introduce the judges and present awards.  


Other services.  Emergency and security services are available  throughout the festival, including overnight on-site security on Saturday night.  A printed program listing participating exhibitors and sponsors is available to the public. Portable toilets, including units accessible for individuals with disabilities, are located throughout the show.     


Management and Marketing.  The Arts in the Middle Planning Team has extensive experience in the arts, festival management and marketing. Professional marketing includes print, radio and web advertising, targeted social media, and other outreach to Greater Richmond, Williamsburg, Norfolk, Fredericksburg,  Northern Virginia and DC areas by skilled marketing and public relations professionals.  


Bethpage Camp Resort:   The show is the featured weekend event for nationally acclaimed Bethpage Camp-Resort -- a short walk and/or golf cart ride away.  


Food and music.  Live music will be performed throughout the day along "The Row" and in the Hospitality Tent. 

Follow us on Social Media for the latest news and updates: @artsinthemiddle

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